1600 FUE Graft Case Study
This 34 year old male patient came to our office with high frontal recession and slight thinning in the crown (Norwood hair loss classification 3A). At consultation Dr. McGrath prescribed 1mg finasteride oral tablet daily. On follow up the patient wished to be more aggressive in reestablishing his front hairline. Dr. McGrath performed FUE surgery and transplanted 1600 hair grafts in the front only. The patient has very fine, soft hair and at 14 months post op he is very happy with his fuller hairline. Read his 5 Star Google Review below.
Front hairline restored - after is 14 months after the FUE Hair Transplant
Top view. Front was transplanted with 1600 grafts harvested via FUE. Crown and midscalp thickening is the result of finasteride for hair loss maintenance.
Donor area, before and after 1600 grafts harvested via FUE. Note no visible scarring or thinning.
Patient Review: "It has been one year since I have my FUE procedure, and couldn't be happier. I researched a few other places before making the commitment and decision to go with McGrath, and am so glad I did. Joan Rivers, rest her soul, has a personal motto... "better a new face coming out of an old car than an old face coming out of a new car. Spend your money on you."
I turned 34 this year and was getting married. I knew I had receding hair, thin hair, and had "settled" with my look until I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and wasn't happy with how my hair was progressing. Some men look great balding and can totally pull it off. I was unfortunately looking like a thumb, so I started researching options and treatments. They have a treatment where you inject your own plasma into your scalp, wear a hat with small red lights, even a 2D micro blading technique. Some of these options were significantly cheaper, but The results of the FUE were so much more dramatic and promising.
I had the surgery a year ago, and it wasn't too bad. It's about 6 hours or so, but feels like 45 minutes with the meds you get (haha). You are given a 10 day supply of antibiotics and creams with an instruction packet of when/what to take, when to wash your hair, and when you can wear a hat or beanie.
One of the other benefits of this procedure is that there is no scarring. (Yes the first couple days the back of your head looks scabbed and gross from where the air follicles were pulled out, but literally day 4 this wasn't noticeable) No line scar in the back of your head where it will stand out for life, and my barber always comments when she does a razor bald fade on the back of my head how she can't tell I had surgery a year ago. Of course if you have longer hair, it looks even thicker, but I like to wear my hair shorter.
A year ago, I questioned the cost vs benefit for this, and am SO glad I went through with it. I no longer look at my hairline whenever I see a picture of me, and get comments by friends and family about how my hair looks good.
Dr McGrath also hand picks the follicles and transplants them manually (you cant feel this). Some facilities use a machine that was a little cheaper (not by much), but Dr McGrath is different than a machine because he actually inspects each follicle to determine if it is a good transplant candidate or not, and also places your hairline in a more natural way compared to a machine and assistant (that may or may not have the experience he has)."