Hair Transplant Patient of the Month
Above is a 40 year old male patient with Class 3 hair loss, dark wavy hair with good to average density. Below view video of Dr. McGrath combing through the patient’s transplanted hair. 1 session, 2200 hair grafts, 1 year after surgery.
Read MoreACell + PRP Hair Growth Injection Therapy Now Available at McGrath Medical
ACell + PRP Hair Regrowth Results Male patient Class 4 Hair loss, before (L) and 4 months after (R) ACell Hair Regrowth Injection Therapy Female patient with diffuse alopecia throughout the top of the scalp and 6 months after injection therapy. The patient’s hair has thickened significantly. At McGrath Medical we have been reviewing the…
Read MoreI absolutely LOVE telling everyone about my procedure
This past week has been very interesting, working with past and present clients. I helped a past client with an apartment this past Tuesday and he just couldn’t figure out what was different about me since I helped him last fall. I told him that I had a hair restoration procedure done in January and…
Read MoreHair restoration surgery should ONLY be performed by a trained medical doctor
The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) recently reviewed advertisements and other marketing materials directed at dermatologists, plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, family practitioners, gynecologists, otolaryngologists, and other physicians encouraging them to incorporate hair restoration surgery into their practice via a proposed “turnkey” technology. The ISHRS is concerned that the marketing materials jeopardize patient safety…
Read MoreOperation Restore Hair Restoration Case Study
This patient, now age 25, was diagnosed with a very rare cancer called Pilomatrical Carcinosaroma in Dec. 2008. He underwent surgery several times that left scars on the left side of his head and face. His rehab consisted of several weeks of high dose radiation and chemotherapy that resulted in loss of hair on the…
Read MoreDr. McGrath discusses Histogen
The following is a transcript of the video at the bottom of this page of Dr. McGrath discussing Histogen. I’d like to talk about some very exciting news about the development of a new product out there that may well revolutionize hair restoration surgery or hair thinning and balding as we know it. This is…
Read MoreYou Could Win A Free Hair Transplant
Dr. McGrath will be offering an individual experiencing hair loss a life changing opportunity to receive a free hair transplant. Hair loss affects men and women of all ages. While genetics is the most common cause of baldness, other medical conditions can cause hair loss, as well. Any type of hair loss can negatively affect…
Read MoreThomas McDonald – Producer of the Jeff Ward Show chooses McGrath Medical
KLBJ-AM producer Thomas McDonald (Jeff Ward Show) didn’t like his hair loss but he didn’t know there was anything he could do about it. He didn’t want wigs, plugs or lotions, he wanted his own hair. Then he met Dr. Dan McGrath of McGrath Medical. Dr. McGrath had his own hair transplanted and the results…
Read MoreDr. McGrath performs Live Hair Transplant on Fitness Icon Monica Brant
FOX News Follow Up
Reporter: Foti Kallergis myFOXaustin (AUSTIN) – More than 8 months ago, FOX 7’s Foti Kallergis invited you into the operation room to witness a hair-raising procedure called hair transplant surgery. “I don’t like needles, but here we go,” said Kallergis, as he entered the operation room. Kallergis has been battling the bald since his early…
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